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Introduction to Computer | CCC Practice Quiz

This chapter of Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) includes basic concepts of Computer, Evolution of Computer, Classification of Computer and many more
Hey learner,
In this post, you will learn about Introduction to Computer. This chapter of Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) includes basic concepts of Computer, Evolution of Computer, Classification of Computer and its application, Basics of hardware and software, Types of software, IT gadgets and their application and so on.
Introduction to Computer | CCC Practice Quiz

Introduction to Computer

A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information or data according to set of instructions i.e. known as programs. It has ability to store, retrieve and process the data. The term 'computer' is derived from the latin word 'computare', which means 'to calculate'. Generally it is the combination of some hardware and software.

Outcomes of this chapter

The student will able to:-
  • Understand the concept of Computer.
  • Identify computers, IT Gadgets and explain their evolution and applications.
  • Get familiar with various input, output and hardware components of computer along with storage devices.
  • Get familiar with types of software and mobile apps.
Some terminology
Data:- Unprocessed raw fatcs and figures (like numbers, text).
Processing:- Sequence of actions taken on data to convert it into information.
Information:- processed, organiesd and structured form of data.
Instruction:- refers to the command given to computer by user.
Program:- generally refers to the set of instructions in order to perform some task.

Generations/Evolution of Computer

Gen. Year Switching Device Characteristics
First 1940-56 Vacuum tubes fastest computing device, generate large amount of heat, non-portable, unreliable.  
Second 1956-63 Transistors  less prone to hardware failure, portable and generate less heat, smaller in size.
Third 1964-71 Integrated Circuits Consumed less power, highly sophisticated, fast and reliable.  
Fourth 1971-Present Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) or microprocessor  more reliable and portable, cheapest among all the generations.
Fifth Present and beyond Super Large Scale Integrated(SLSI) chips or bio chip Able to solve highly complex problems,  able to use more than one cpu for faster processing speed. 

CCC Practice Quiz

Quiz Topic:- Introduction to Computer
Here are some important MCQs on Introduction to Computer. Attempt the quiz and analyse your knowledge.

Classification of Computer

Computers are mainly classified based on their different shapes and size.

Based on Size

1. Micro Computers:- least powerful, yet the most widely used and also portable. Some types of micro computers are given below.
  • Desktop Computer or Personal Computer(PC)
  • Notebook
  • Handheld Computers or Palmtops
2. Mini Computers:- smaller in size, faster and low cost. Designed to carry out some specific tasks like CAD, engineering, calculations, etc.
3. Mainframe Computers:- having large internal memory and comprehensive range of softwares. Bigger in size than mini computers and smaller than super computers. Mainframe computer serves as a backbone for the entire business world.
4. Super Computers:- fastest and expensive computers. These are used for highly calculation intensive tasks, such as weather forecasting, nuclear research, business application and many more. "PARAM" was the first super computer of India. Pratyush is the fastest super computer in India.

Based on Work

1. Analog Computers:- carry out arithmetic and logical operations by manipulating and processing data.
2. Digital Computers:- A digital computer work by calculating the binary digits.
3. Hybrid Computers:- combination of analog and digital computers.

Based on Purpose

  • General Purpose Computers
  • Special Purpose COmputers

Application of Computer

Computers have been employed in almost all aspects of professional and personal life. Some of the areas where computers being used are given below:
  • Education
  • Business Application
  • Recreation and Entertainment
  • Government
  • Health
  • Multimedia Banking

Basics of Hardware and Software

As we know that, a computer is a combination of hardware and software.
Hardware:- It refers to the physical components that can be touched and seen. For example- Monitor, mouse, keyboard, printer etc.
Some hardware devices are as follows:
  1. Input Devices 
  2. Output Devices
  3. Central Processing Unit
  4. Computer Memory Unit
  • Input Devices:- Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick, Light Pen, Graphics Tablet, Touch screen, Trackball, Scanner, MICR, OCR, OMR, Barcode Reader, Microphone, Web Camera, Biometric Sensor, etc.
  • Output Devices:- Monitor, Printer, Plotter, Speaker, Headphones, Projector, etc.

Software:- Collection of computer programs, procedures and related data that provides the instructions for telling a computer what to do and how to do it.
Software can be divided into following major categories:-
  1. System Software
  2. Application Software
  3. Utility Software

Open Source Software

Open source refers to something that can be modified are shared as its designed publicly accessible. Examples of Open Source Software are Linux, Unix, MySQL etc.

Proprietary Software

It is a software that is owned by an individual or a company. There are almost always major restrictions on it to use and its source code is always kept secret. It is copyrighted and bears limits against use.

Hope, above article helped you a lot for understanding the Introduction to computer. Don't forget to attempt above given the quiz which helps you a lot for CCC Examination.

Read more about Computer Memory and Basic Units of Measurement


  1. This one is very helpful content for CCC examination.👍👍👍👍
  2. Really I appreciate this content and the quiz is awesome. I scored around 23/25 in the quiz.
  3. Bhaiya, CCC के सारे चैप्टर पर ऐसे ही MCQs बनाओ, क्विज अटेम्प्ट करके अच्छा लगा. 👍👍👍👍👏👏🔥🔥
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