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How to percieve the Law Degree ?

In this blog post we're going to discuss about How to percieve the Law Degree ?There are many questions around how can we perceive law degree so..
There are many questions like how can we perceive law degree ? so we are here to anwer this question. To start law you have to follow a fix route which is either you have to take a degree of LL.B or an integration course of law. The major difference between these two is:- if you want to take LLB degree you have to be a graduate in any field but for integration course you have to pass 10+2 or equivalent degree. 
In this post we are going to explain about Integration Course. 

How to percieve the Law Degree ?

Eligibility criteria

Student have to pass an entrace examination according to their choices of college and then after the will be eligible for admission, The basic criteria for such entrance examination is that student should be pass in 10+2 with a recognised board or have a equivalent degree.

Exams/ Exam pattern

There are several exams organised every year in India to provide opportunity to join a law college for integration course like CLAT, MHCET, CUET, AILET, SLAT etc. Student can easily apply for these examinations according to their choices. These entrance examinations have different prescribed exam patterns but there are also some common criteria like questions related to current affairs, basic law, english, reasoning, data interpretation might be seen.

Scope in law

Law degree have vast scope in modern era, like you can be:- 
  • an advocate after completing law and receiving bar licence, 
  • you can be a judge, 
  • you will also be eligible for all exams which need only graduation like civil services or government services, 
  • you can do arbitration or resolve disputes, 
  • you can consult firms, companies on the sector of law, 
  • you can work with industry for their law enforcement, 
  • you can be a law enforcement officer in banks etc. like this there many way to make your career bright.

Who should opt this degree

Any student who have some quality and interest in law like:-
  • A student have a reasoning or mathematical mind.
  • A student who solve problems in innovative manner.
  • A student who can make good argument.
  • No doubt, everyone can do on the basis of their interest.


I hope this post helped you a lot in proper understanding of How to percieve the Law Degree ? Generally this post is to provide zist about law degree and make aware that this degree also have a great opportunity to build carrer in India. 

If you want to know more about any part of this article, you can comment below so we can make some more article related to this further in future. 

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