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Know how to Improve Your Marks

Let us talk about one of the very common problem faced by maximum of students. I hope now you get an idea about what I'm talking. Yes, I'm talking...

Hey learner,

Let us talk about one of the very common problem faced by maximum of students. I hope now you get an idea about what I'm talking. Yes, I'm talking about How to Improve Marks In The Examination. If you are facing similar problems, then this blog is for you. Read now How to Improve Your Exam Marks.

How to Improve Your Exam Marks
How to Improve Your Exam Marks

How to Improve Your Exam Marks

Many students face the problem of not getting good marks in exams, even after studying a lot. They try to understand all the concepts, but when it comes to the actual exam, they struggle to score well. We will discuss the solutions to improve your marks in exams.

What are the strategies ?

Follow following steps to improve your marks in the examination:

Time Management

  • One of the most important aspects of scoring well in exams is effective time management. You need to allocate your time wisely among different subjects based on their weightage. For example, if you have three hours for a paper, you can allocate one hour to physics, 40-45 minutes to chemistry, and 1.5 hours to maths. Remember, maths and physics are usually time-consuming subjects, so you need to manage your time accordingly.

Subject Strength

  • It is important to identify your strong and weak subjects. If you are good at maths and physics, focus on improving other subjects like chemistry. Balance is important, so make sure to give equal importance to all three subjects. With proper effort and practice, you can improve your average subjects to a good level, while maintaining your strengths.

Selective Question Attempt

  • Leaving questions is as important as attempting them. In exams with negative marking, it is crucial to avoid attempting questions you are unsure about. Time is precious, so utilize it wisely. Select the questions you are confident about and leave the ones that may consume more time or result in negative marking.

Question Selection

  • The art of question selection plays a significant role in scoring well. Choose easy questions first to build confidence and complete them quickly. Then move on to moderate and difficult questions. Remember, the number of questions attempted doesn't guarantee a high score. It is the quality of attempted questions that matters.

Optimization of Time

  • Optimizing your time during the exam is crucial. Use your time most effectively by focusing on easy questions first. Keep a dot or tick to mark questions you revisit if time permits. Revisit the questions only if you have spare time. Remember, optimization means utilizing your time in the best possible way.

Revision and Practice

  • Regular revision and practice are key to success in exams. Revise important topics and concepts regularly so that they are fresh in your mind. Practice time-bound tests to improve your speed and accuracy. The more you practice, the better you will become in handling different types of questions.


Improving your exam marks requires effective time management, subject strength, selective question attempt, question selection, optimization of time, and regular revision and practice. By following these strategies, you can maximize your score and achieve success in your exams. Good luck!

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